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Hook for fetching information about all NFTs that haven't been claimed yet from an NFT Drop contract.

Available to use on contracts that implement the ERC721LazyMintable interface.

import { useUnclaimedNFTs } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

const { data, isLoading, error } = useUnclaimedNFTs(contract);


Provide your contract instance as the first argument.

import { useUnclaimedNFTs, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

// Your smart contract address
const contractAddress = "{{contract_address}}";

function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress);
const { data, isLoading, error } = useUnclaimedNFTs(contract);


queryParams (optional)

By default, the hook returns the first 100 unclaimed NFTs from the contract.

Paginate the results by providing a queryParams object as the second argument.

import { useUnclaimedNFTs, useContract } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";

// Your smart contract address
const contractAddress = "{{contract_address}}";

function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress);
const { data, isLoading, error } = useUnclaimedNFTs(
count: 10, // Limit the number of results
start: 0, // Start from the nth result (useful for pagination)

Return Value

Return Value

The hook's data property, once loaded, contains an array of NFTMetadata objects.

name?: string | number | undefined;
description?: string | null | undefined;
image?: string | null | undefined;
external_url?: string | null | undefined;
animation_url?: string | null | undefined;
background_color?: string | undefined;
properties?: {
[x: string]: unknown;
} | {
[x: string]: unknown;
}[] | undefined;
id: string;
uri: string;